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Idea Connection Systems has a diverse group of individuals that work together to create an outstanding experience for our client.

Bob Rosenfeld

Bob Rosenfeld
Founder and CEO

Founded Kodak’s Office of Innovation 1st successful implementation in Corporate America

Co-founded the Association for Managers of Innovation (AMI)

Founded Idea Connection Systems

Created Mosaic Partnership (a social innovation)  –  reduce racial polarization in major urban centers

Author: “Making the Invisible Visible: The Human Principles for Sustaining Innovation”

Created the ISPI™ (Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator®)

Author: “The Invisible Element: A Practical Guide for the Human Dynamics of Innovation”

Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) – Innovator in Residence Emeritus

Andrew Harrison
Innovation Ambassador

Andrew Harrison

Author - Love Your 84,000 Hours at Work: Stories on the Road from People with Purpose and Passion (2010)

Writer - The Invisible Element: A Practical Guide  for the Human Dynamics of Innovation (December 2011)

Part of delivery team at first ever ISPI workshop (2008)

Has been delivering workshops and coaching since 2008

Co-author, NDU Press publication, “Finding Ender: Exploring the Intersections of Creativity, Innovation and Talent Management in The United States Armed Forces”

Sylvester Taylor

Sylvester Taylor
President & Strategist of Humangrid

Experienced coach, manager, award-winning researcher, and skilled facilitator

Served in a variety of senior leadership roles for more than thirty years at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)

Published widely on issues related to leadership assessment, leadership development, and innovation and creativity; including co-author of  books: Making Creativity Practical, Experience-Driven Leadership Development: Models, Tools, Best Practices, and Advice for On-the-Job Development, and Leveraging the Impact of 360-degree Feedback

Recipient of the distinguished Scientific Contributions Award given by the Human Resources Division of the Academy of Management

Serves on multiple non-profit boards including serving as Chairman of the Association for Managers of Innovation and on the Board of Visitors of UNC Children’s Hospital

Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics and Industrial Relations as well as extensive Ph.D. level coursework from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

David Magellan Horth

David Magellan Horth
Vice President Mosaic Communities

21 years in the computer industry as a research and development engineer

Worked 30 years at CCL as an innovative designer, facilitator, and coach, specializing in the confluence of design, innovation, and leadership development, his final role was Director of Innovation Venturing & Partnerships. Upon retiring from the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), he was awarded Honorary Senior Fellowship.

Co-authored the award-winning book “The Leader’s Edge: Six Creative Competencies for Navigating Complex Challenges"

Co-created leadership development tools: Visual Explorer®, Leadership Metaphor Explorer™, Wisdom Explorer™, Transformations ™ and Targeted Innovation Toolkit,

Leader of his episcopal church's Beloved (anti racist) Community Commission.

Gary Wihelmi

Gary Wilhelmi
Executive Consultant

Authored Fiber Optics System Design and Component Selection chapter of the book: Fiber Optic Advances in Research and Development.

Co-authored the book: ”The Invisible Element: A Practical Guide for the Human Dynamics of Innovation”

Experience includes development work in such areas as high-tech laser and optical systems, first multicomputer simulation of fly-by-wire flight control system, and first-generation fiber optics communication systems

Led technical development for new consumer products having over $750 million-year 1 nationalized annual revenue and productivity improvements totaling tens of million dollars in savings

Worked for McDonnell Aircraft Company, ITT Electro-Optics Products Division, and PepsiCo

Kenn Burke

Kenn Burke
Director of Operations

Recently moved to Rochester from Brooklyn NY, Kenn is a professional Fundraiser & Organizer with a strong background in the Operational field. Having spent the last decade supporting Non-profit/NGO’s achieve their goals, Kenn has brought his expertise to ICS to assist in directing the Office of Operational Innovation. An IT professional in another life, he brings with him the technical skills required to stay ahead. Also, Kenn is an artist (Pen, Pencil, Paint) and enjoys being creative when he’s not helping communities become stronger/wiser version of themselves.

Kristijan Petrovic

Kristijan Petrovic

Kristijan Petrovic is the Navigator at Idea Connection Systems. 

Mike Vahey

Mike Vahey
Innovation Champion

35 years of innovation experience

Director/Innovation Champion of Raytheon’s Office of Innovation (Retired)

Senior Principal Engineering Fellow, a position held by only the top 0.02% of Raytheon employees

Instrumental in the development of Raytheon’s Innovation Challenge Week

ICS consultant each year for Raytheon to organize, lead, train and run the Challenge Week

Developed workshop-specific software to assist in workshop teaming and voting applications

Master of Science in Computer Science degree from the University of California, Los Angeles and a BS in Electrical Engineering from The University of California Santa Barbara

Ryan Ewers

Ryan Ewers
Executive Consultant

Consultant and organizational psychologist whose approach to life and work is influenced by social science, inclusive practice and wellness

Approach intentionally explores the balance of commonalities and differences in people, groups and teams

Works toward lasting change through appreciative practices which identify and create effective solutions organizations want more of through expansion or creation 

Professional mission is to partner with clients in the challenge of activating and achieving growth mindsets

Served in the capacities of psychometric tool research and development, co-created and co-led community-based assessments and taught courses on the principles of creativity and innovation  

Frank DiGiovanni

Frank DiGiovanni
Senior Government Consultant 

Deputy Director, Expeditionary Warfare for Department of the Navy

Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education for the Department of the Navy

Director of Force Training and Education - served as the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Readiness for the Office of the Secretary of Defense

Doctorate in Education from the University of Pennsylvania - Chief Learning Officer program with academic focus in Workplace Learning and Leader Development

Susan Bryant

Susan Bryant
Senior Government Consultant 

Retired army colonel having served 28 years on active duty including overseas assignments in Afghanistan, Jerusalem, and South Korea

Executive Director of Strategic Education International - a non-profit that designs and delivers executive education programs for governments and private industry

Teaches Grand Strategy and Military History at Georgetown University

Teaches Defense Policy Making at Johns Hopkins University

Visiting Research Fellow at National Defense University

Co-author "Military Strategy in the 21st Century"

Co-author NDU Press publication "Finding Ender: Exploring the Intersections of Creativity, Innovation and Talent Management in the United States Armed Forces"

Currently researching military innovation and civil military relations

John Barr
Corporate Consultant 

John Barr

Currently provides executive coaching and consulting services to clients’ senior management teams

Innovative leader in the areas of change management and leadership with expertise in in the areas of strategy, business process breakthrough, and the implementation quality systems

Experienced in designing and implementing strategic change with solid approaches to business and human productivity

Worked at Xerox for 30 year with experience in all areas of management, human resources, sales and service and was responsible for the design, development and implementation of Total Quality Management

Senior Managing Partner for Xerox Quality Services, a worldwide consulting division, led a team of professional consultants and trainers.

Has been an adjunct instructor for years in both undergraduate and graduate programs and authored many journal articles

© 2022 Idea Connection Systems, Inc.

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